Saturday, March 21, 2009

Grumptastic Video Distraction: Lou Mongello's Daily Disney Diary

Lou Mongello has decided to try something new for his latest research trip to Walt Disney World.  He is calling it his daily diary.  So far he has only released the first day of his trip, but I’m sure he wouldn’t have released day 1 if he didn’t plan to release the rest.

In addition to his Daily Diary submission, Lou has uploaded quite a few other videos onto his WDW Radio site for your enjoyment.  They can be found here:

I have embedded his video to this post so you can enjoy it.  His Day 1 submission only runs around 7.5 minutes so sit back, relax and enjoy a leisurely stroll down Main Street USA, a relaxing ride on TTA, and a gander at Spectromagic

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