Wednesday, September 5, 2007

Devine Inspiration #5

Fantasmic! is such a Grumptastic event, especially when viewed from Disneyland's New Orleans Square. 

This is another picture taken while I was standing next to him.  In fact, I  was there to witness the serious chimping that was going on after the review of the last few pictures taken of the show.

There are a ton of pictures taken from Disneyland's Fantasmic! show that are in Tim's photo album which could've qualified as this week's candidate.  He snagged plenty of great shots taken off of the giant water screens.Grumpwurst's Version of the Same Shot

I think only Roger "Mr. Fantasmic!" Longenbach could've scored more excellent pictures. 

But, to really see why I picked it is to compare it to the shot I attempted to take of the same thing. 

I had to heavily, heavily crop this picture to even get Mickey to look larger than a pinpoint on the image.  My original image was taken with a fast 50mm (f1.8) lens and was tiny.  I'm actually a bit more impressed with my shot than I probably originally gave myself credit for.  But the newly cropped image isn't really print-worthy and if I took it to get processed would look like something I picked up on the bottom of my shoe at the movie theater.

If you like Fantasmic! at the Disneyland theme park, take a stroll on over to The Magic in Pixels and take a look.

I'm about to leave for a 9-day stay at Walt Disney World in a couple days.  I'll be armed with my three lenses and my Nikon D80 and my Canon Powershot S70.  All I have to say is that photography is the way we document our lives (some people do it in video). 

Don't have lens envy of those guys like Tim and others (most of the regulars at The Magic in Pixels) who sport the big glass.  Even if you are only armed with a point-and-shoot, get out there and burn up some flash cards.  You never know what you might get.  You may enjoy and and convince yourself to upgrade your camera.  Also, sign up and participate in the forums over there.  Even Disney Geek George is over there and he proudly sports a point-and-shoot and contributes photos to the conversations.

Keep it Grumptastic people!

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